Unfortunately you've landed in a site where my teacher made us rewrite a page of text onto a digital whatever, but if you find it useful then go ahead and read me!

Please dont skip the information as you will find my idea quite difficult to master.

Malware is a type of software that works similarly to biological illnesses and infections. They hide inside often illegal programs, infecting other computers via a virus, worm or trojan.

Social Engineering

This has nothing to do with it but i dont care heres an image anyway!:

Hacker image

Do you know what social engineering is? I'm sure you do, lets go! It is literally just a weakness exploit. That is it. However, it' not executed in just one way, but multiple. Let's have a look at them now.

Number 1 - Brute Forciiiiiiing. Either guessing passwords yourself or using a program. Number 2 - Casting phishing for fish. I mean data. You get the joke i tried, right? No? damn. Phishing are emails with links that give the criminal unauthorized access to EVERYTHING. Number 3 - Denial of Service... more like Your service has been denied! Sorry there reader. Got you there didn't I. It's flooding websites with data so congestion builds up and eventually crashing. Number 4 - Sql injection. Poorly coded websites get straight up oofed when this happens. The attacker injects sql into an input box and gets unauthorized access to the whole database and..... Data Leak! Okay not funny i get it. Number 5! - Data Interception and theft. Did you look over someones shoulder when their typing in their login details? Unfortunately for you thats shouldering, which is a criminal offense i have you know. Finding private info on discarded documents is the same, but it was up to luck that made you find it.

Spot a phishing email, let's go!:

What's wrong with it? Check for spelling, Sussy origin of email address, Hey! Wheres my name?, Asks for any personal information and any links/attachments

Wanna know what penetration testing is? Well i got ya covered. It's basically where employers employ hackers to detect weaknesses in their systems.

Criminals can't always get to the servers to take over the internet there either. There barred with CCTV, locks and security guards. In other words, physical security.

Tell me what a firewall is, let's go! Is it hardware, or software? They can be either! What they do is amazing - they intercept data packets before they are received or sent to the internet.

Anti malware software. Please update it every two days. They scan files and programs for viruses.

Admins are evil as they can set access levels - One person can use the app store(doesnt have to be, just installing software), while another can only view files. How mean.

I'm begging you now to double check that your password is secure and that your stuff is encrpyted.

Quiz time! First question. What's malware?

Question two. What's social engineering, i may ask?

Question 3. 5 examples for the previous question.

Question 4. What are the usual signs of a phishing email?

Question 5. What's penetration testing?

Question 6. Should your passwords be secure, and that your online stuff should be encrypted?

Question 7. What's physical security?

Question eight. What's a firewall, anti malware software and user access levels? In order of the question please!

Answers to the quiz